Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Coming Soon: Blog Updates

I started watching this movie on Netflix called, The Secret. One of the themes that stood out to me was that thoughts become things. Basically you have to envision what you want and ultimately what you put out there will come back to you. For my blog I envision it to be much more than book recommendations and an occasional review. So in an attempt to do more and encompass some of things I am passionate about I am adding a few new pieces to the blog.
A few of the new things you can expect:

Being CoCo: I got inspired by this piece from Essences popular In the Spirit section by Susan Taylor. Mental, physical and spiritual health is important and I wanted to outline that in my blog. This could range from healthy eating choices, mediation, and all things peace.

Fierce Fashion: With a name like CoCo I couldn’t help but love all things fashion so it would be only fitting that I added a little something to reflect that in my blog. I have found so many hidden treasures by upcoming designers that I would love to share and looks that inspire me.

All in all reviews were getting daunting and in a world where fan girls are on the attack and authors are oblivious or don't care I am taking a step back from "official " reviews. This means you will have to come to this sight for unofficial reviews which are basically reviews not on Amazon or good reads. This blog was fun in the beginning and then it felt like work and I got slacker and slacker. One step I am taking toward making the blog fun and something I love to do is post what makes me happy. I hope you all can join me on this journey. Thanks for all the support.



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