Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Happy Black History Month

Not only is February Black History month ( which should be celebrated every day) but its a month of love. I once read this book by Iyanla Vanzant (I forget the name of it) but its a devotional and for the month of February there is a challenge issued to express love daily. And that can be from writing a love letter to yourself daily, saying I love you, or even just engaging in activities that you love. With so many changes in the world self-care is most important. Lets be real here we aren't progressing as a nation as we should it seems to me history will soon repeat itself if we aren't mindful and proactive. But one thing we NEED to do while we protest, march, and celebrate is practice self-care. For me I read! Reading allows me the necessary escape I need from the world. Below I have listed a few books that have inspired me not only as a person but a proud black woman.

These are just a few books out of the many that have impacted my life. Name that thing you love or what you do for self-care. Most Importantly, " Happy Black History Month"


  1. You are so right, self care is extremely important when times are particularly stressful! I absolutely love all of the Mildred Taylor books. Happy Black History Month!

    1. Monica me too!!! Even though these are books I read as a child I still find them so useful today and hope to pass them on to the younger generations. Happy Black History Month sis!!!
